June 17, 2013 - Jessica M Warren
Return to the Josephine Peridotite
In June we headed up to the Josephine for 4 days of fieldwork on Fresno Bench. This was our first spring foray into the Siskiyou and we had been warned that the weather could be bad. We were fortunate to encounter nothing worse than some clouds and high wind – and more wildflowers than on any previous trip. There were even a few muddy puddles in some of the less exposed areas of outcrop. We spent most of the trip using high resolution GPS to map in shear zones. Our search yielded more shear zones than we had found before, leading to much debate about the naming system. We briefly considered naming the shear zones for towns in California, but decided to stick to the letter system for now.

Shear Zone P: As beautiful as ever!

Suzanne’s very detailed sketch of Shear Zone P.

About to embark on the Harzburgite Highway: Katie, Jessica, Lars, Suzanne, Megan and Nik.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number EAR-1255620. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of J.M. Warren and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.