Conference Abstracts – Warren Lab

(*invited abstract)

  • Warren, J.M., C. Prigent, S. Piazolo, and T. Breithaupt, 2024. Serpentine Has a Limited Role in Accommodating Slip on Oceanic Transform Faults, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, F.A. Davis, and J.M. Warren, 2024. Ultra-Low Oxygen Fugacity Recorded by Refractory Mid-Ocean Ridge Peridotites Reflects Deep, Ancient Melting Events at High Potential Temperature, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Cottrell, E., S.K. Birner, D. Canil, F.A. Davis, K. Evans, F. Gaillard, C.H. Langmuir, and J.M. Warren, 2024. Rock Record of Archean Mantle Oxygen Fugacity, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Kurz, M.D., J.M. Warren, J. Curtice, P. Bouilhol, and B. Ildefonse, 2024. Helium Isotopic Variations in Peridotites from the Oman Ophiolite, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Lin, K.-Y., J.M. Warren, M.E. Schilling, G. Plissart, A. Corgne, N. Akizawa, R. Anma, M. Alvear, E. González, and C. Marín, 2024. Snapshot of Oceanic Mantle Beneath an Intermediate Spreading Ridge Emplaced Via Ridge-Trench Collision – the Taitao Ophiolite, AGU Fall Meeting.
  • Nalesnik, A., K.J. Lynn, T. Rose, J.M. Warren, D.C.S. Ruth, D.A. Swanson, and K.-Y. Lin, 2024. Storage Timescales and the Complex Crystal Growth History in the Layered Mush Reservoir of the Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Unit 3 from Kīlauea volcano, HI, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • Chinkaka, E., A. Vatuva, M. Lindombo, K.F. Davis, J.M. Warren, and J.M. Klinger, 2024. Geospatial Data Fusion and Earth Observation for Mapping Lithium-Bearing Pegmatites in Namibia’s Karibib Pegmatite Belt Using ASTER Imagery and Field Validation UD GIS Day, Newark, DE.
  • Schilling, M.E., G. Plissart, N. Akizawa, K.-Y. Lin, A. Corgne, M. Alvear, E. González, C. Marín, R.J. Walker, R. Anma, J.M. Warren, C. Prigent, V. González, A. Rivera, F. Martínez, J.M. González-Jiménez, 2024. Magmatic and tectonic processes recorded by mantle rocks of the Taitao ophiolite (6 Ma), southern Chile, Goldschmidt Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Prigent, C. and J.M. Warren, 2024. Origin of brittle deformation and microseismicity in the ‘ductile’ mantle on oceanic transform faults, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  • Behn, M.D., M.S. Boettcher, J.M. Warren, and Greg Hirth, 2023. A rheologic model for the thermal structure and seismogenic behavior of oceanic transform faults, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Chesley, C.J., R.L. Evans, E. Attias, N. Hummel, P. Koenig, J. Perez, K.P. Enright, J.M. Warren, B. Fluegel, A. Gase, J.D. Kim, and C. Armerding, 2023. Characterizing an earthquake rupture barrier at the Gofar oceanic transform fault using controlled-source electromagnetic data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Gong, J., W. Fan, M.S. Boettcher, J.J. McGuire, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, E.C. Roland, and Y. Liu, 2023. Ridge-transform fault interaction controls earthquake swarm activity at the Gofar transform fault, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Grambling, N.L., J.M. Warren, G. Hirth, C.D. Meyers, and N. Zhao, 2023. Refining conditions for the development of E-Type olivine fabrics from Talkeetna Arc, Alaska, and experimentally deformed olivine aggregates, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Lin, K.-Y., J.M. Warren, M. Schilling, G. Plissart, A. Corgne, N. Akizawa, R. Anma, M. Alvear, E. González, and C. Marín, 2023. Snapshot of nascent Pacific oceanic lithosphere emplaced via ridge-trench collision – the Taitao ophiolite, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Roland, E.C., P. Koenig, M.S. Boettcher, J.M. Warren, and M.D. Behn, 2023. Fault zone complexity and kinematics from AUV Sentry micro-bathymetry along rupture segments and barriers at the Gofar Transform Fault – East Pacific Rise, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Tracy, D., E.C. Roland, P. Koenig, M.S. Boettcher, and J.M. Warren, 2023. New Analysis of Fault Damage and the Hydrogeologic Structure of the Gofar Transform Fault from AUV Sentry Seafloor Photography, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Alvear Kayiza, M., M. Schilling, G. Plissart, A. Corgne, K.-Y. Lin, N. Akizawa, J.M. Warren, E. González, C. Marín, and A. Rivera, 2023. Petrological processes involved in the formation of the mantle-crust transition zone of Taitao ophiolite, Aysén, Chile, XVI Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile.
  • González, E., G. Plissart, M. Schilling, A. Corgne, K.-Y. Lin, N. Akizawa, C. Prigent, J.M. Warren, M. Alvear, C. Marín, and A. Rivera, 2023. Origin of the mafic and ultramafic mylonitic rocks at the base of the Taitao ophiolite, Aysén, Chile, XVI Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile.
  • Marín Oyarzún, C., M. Schilling, G. Plissart, A. Corgne, K.-Y. Lin, N. Akizawa, J.M. Warren, M. Alvear, E. González, and A. Rivera, 2023. Petrological heterogeneities at the metric to micrometric scales of mantle rocks from the Taitao ophiolite, Aysén Region, Chile, XVI Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile.
  • Plissart, G., N. Akizawa, M. Schilling, A. Corgne, K.-Y. Lin, M. Alvear, C. Marín, E. González, J.M. Warren, and R. Anma, 2023. First report of a massive chromitite from the Taitao ophiolite (Chile): an enigmatic origin leading to PGM and Y-REE phosphate crystallization, XVI Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile.
  • Rivera Salgado, A., G. Plissart, M. Schilling, A. Corgne, K.-Y. Lin, N. Akizawa, and J.M. Warren, 2023. Origin and evolution of albitites present in the Taitao ophiolitic sequence (Taitao Peninsula, Aysén Region, Chile), XVI Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile.
  • Chinkaka, E., A. Vatuva, J.M. Warren, K.F. Davis, and J.M. Klinger, 2023. Detection of Lithium-Rich Pegmatites Using ASTER Multispectral Image Analysis: insights from the Karibib Pegmatite Belt, Namibia, 29th Colloquium of African Geology, Windhoek, Namibia.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, F.A. Davis, and J.M. Warren, 2023. Refractory peridotites at ultraslow-spreading ridges record ultra-low oxygen fugacity, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France.
  • Cottrell, E., S.K. Birner, F.A. Davis, J.M. Warren, D. Canil, and C.H. Langmuir, 2023. Records of Archean mantle oxygen fugacity, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France.
  • Warren, J.M., C. Prigent, S.K. Birner, E. Cottrell, F.A. Davis, and K.J. Lynn, 2023. Abyssal peridotite constraints on hydrothermal fluid circulation, Goldschmidt Conference, Lyon, France.
  • Lin, K.-Y., J.M. Warren, and F.A. Davis, 2023. Abyssal peridotites from different tectonic regimes record contrasting closure temperatures and cooling rates, Gordon Research Conference on the Interior of the Earth, South Hadley, MA.
  • Nalesnik, A., J. Schmith, T. Rose, D.A. Swanson, K.J. Lynn, and J.M. Warren, 2023. First grain-size data of Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Units 1, 3, and 5 from explosive eruptions of Kīlauea Volcano, HI, USA, IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zealand.
  • Nalesnik, A., K.J. Lynn, T. Rose, K.-Y. Lin, and J.M. Warren, 2023. Explosive Eruptions of Kīlauea Volcano (HI): Constraints from Glass Chemistry of the Upper-Kulanaokuaiki Tephra, IAVCEI Scientific Assembly, Rotorua, New Zealand.
  • Behn, M.D., M.S. Boettcher, J.-A. Olive, J.M. Warren, and G. Hirth, 2022. A rheologic model for the seismogenic behavior of oceanic transform faults, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Gong, J., W. Fan, M.S. Boettcher, J.J. McGuire, J.A. Collins, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, E.C. Roland, C.R. German, and Y. Liu, 2022. Seismotectonics of the Easternmost Segment of Gofar Transform Fault, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Koenig, P., E.C. Roland, M.S. Boettcher, J.M. Warren, C.R. German, R.L. Evans, A. Gase, W. Fan, J. Gong, Y. Liu, and M. Bahruth, 2022. The surface expression of the Gofar oceanic transform fault, East Pacific Rise using newly acquired, 1m-resolution multibeam bathymetry from AUV Sentry, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Myers, M.L., C. Condit, J.M. Warren, R.M. Holder, E.H.G. Cooperdock, V. Guevara, E. Rader, A. Bauer, and E. Mixon, 2022. PETRONET: A petrology and high-temperature geochemistry community built within an antiracist and inclusive framework, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL.
  • Condit, C., M.L. Myers, J.M. Warren, R.M. Holder, E.H.G. Cooperdock, V. Guevara, E. Rader, A. Bauer, and E. Mixon, 2022. PETRONET: A petrology and high-temperature geochemistry community built within an antiracist and inclusive framework, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 54(5),
  • Moyer, P.A., M.S. Boettcher, J. Gong, W. Fan, J.J. McGuire, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, J.A. Collins, E.C. Roland, C.R. German, and Y. Liu, 2022. Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault at the End of the 2008 and 2020 Seismic Cycles, Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, J.M. Warren, and F.A. Davis, 2022. Heterogeneity in oxygen fugacity recorded by mid-ocean ridge peridotites, Understanding Oxygen Fugacity in Geoscience International School, Trieste, Italy.
  • Lin, K.-Y., J.M. Warren, and F.A. Davis, 2022. Evaluating the effects of spreading rate and melt addition on the closure temperatures recorded by peridotite thermometers, Goldschmidt Conference, Honolulu, HI.
  • Lynn, K. J., T.R. Rose, D. Ruth, D.A. Swanson, and J.M. Warren, 2022. Years to decades of pre-eruptive storage recorded by olivine from the basaltic subplinian deposit of Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Unit 3 (900 C.E.), Kīlauea Volcano (HI), Goldschmidt Conference, Honolulu, HI.
  • Nalesnik, A., K.J. Lynn, T.R. Rose, J.M. Warren, and K.-Y. Lin, 2022. Glass chemistry of the Kulanaokuaiki Tephra Units 4 and 5 deposited from explosive eruptions of Kīlauea Volcano (HI), Goldschmidt Conference, Honolulu, HI.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, J.M. Warren, K.A. Kelley, and F.A. Davis, 2022. The effects of melt addition on mid-ocean ridge peridotites, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 54(4), doi:10.1130/abs/2022NC-374815.
  • Bahruth, M.B., J.M. Warren, C. Prigent, D.M. Schwartz, J.L. Andrys, K.-Y. Lin, M.D. Behn, T.A. Morrow, W. Fan, J. Gong, E. Roland, M.S. Boettcher, Y. Liu, C.R. German, and J.A. Collins, 2021. Aseismic movement of Gofar Transform Fault may be aided by formation of clay-bearing basaltic breccias, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Boettcher, M.S., J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, and G. Hirth, 2021. A Synoptic Model for Slip on Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • *Gong, J., W. Fan, M.S. Boettcher, J.J. McGuire, J.A. Collins, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, E. Roland, C.R. German, Y. Liu, and T.A. Morrow, 2021. Using microearthquakes to investigate the earthquake preparation process at the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., L.N. Hansen, D. Wallis, B.-S. Li, D.E.J. Armstrong, D.L. Goldsby, J.M. Warren, and A.J. Wilkinson, 2021. Water does not influence the plasticity of olivine at low temperatures, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Lin, K.-Y. and J.M. Warren, 2021. Trace element systematics of abyssal peridotite olivine: implications for ridge melting and melt transport, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Morrow, T.A., E. Roland, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, J.A. Collins, W. Fan, J. Gong, C. Prigent, D.M. Schwartz, M. Bahruth, J.L. Andrys, K.-Y. Lin, M.S. Boettcher, J.J. McGuire, Y. Liu, and C.R. German, 2021. 4CAST Gofar: New Observations of Structure, Tectonics, Magmatism, and Hydrothermal Activity within the Gofar Transform Fault, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Moyer, P., M.S. Boettcher, J. Gong, W. Fan, J.J. McGuire, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, J.A. Collins, E. Roland, C.R. German, and Y. Liu, 2021. Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault at the End of the 2020 Seismic Cycle, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Schwartz, D.M., J.L. Andrys, J.M. Warren, M.D. Behn, M.B. Bahruth, K.-Y. Lin, C. Prigent, T.A. Morrow, M.D. Schmitz, and M.S. Boettcher, 2021. Insights into 3 Ma of Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Source Heterogeneity from the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Rowe, M.C., A. Johnson, J. Hammond, S. Wang, R.L. Hervig, J.M. Warren, 2020. Mantle H2O and delta-D associated with melt reactions in a supra-subduction ophiolite, Goldschmidt Conference, Virtual Meeting.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, F.A. Davis, J.M. Warren, K.A. Kelley, and M. Said, 2019. Thermodynamic and Geochemical Heterogeneity within Mid-Ocean Ridge Peridotites, AGU Fall Meeting, V23B-03.
  • Kohli, A.H., C. Prigent, M. Wolfson-Schwehr, M.S. Boettcher, and J.M. Warren, 2019. Deep hydrothermal circulation on oceanic transform faults controlled by the seismic cycle, AGU Fall Meeting, T43H-0417.
  • Lynn, K.J., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, S.K. Birner, K.A. Kelley, and C.H. Langmuir, 2019. Gakkel Ridge basalts and peridotites record along-strike variations in fO2, AGU Fall Meeting, V14C-01.
  • Rowe, M., A. Johnson, J. Hammond, S. Wang, R. Hervig, and J.M. Warren, 2019. Mantle H2O and delta-D associated with melt reactions in the upper mantle: Evidence from the Trinity Ophiolite, USA, AGU Fall Meeting, V51I-0161.
  • Zhao, N., J.M. Warren, K.M. Kumamoto, R.F. Cooper, and G. Hirth, 2019. Constraining the olivine diffusion creep flow law using naturally deformed peridotite, AGU Fall Meeting, MR43A-02.
  • Affinito, R.A., C. Prigent, and J.M. Warren, 2019. Feedbacks between focused melt and localized deformation in the Josephine Peridotite, AGU Virtual Poster Showcase.
  • *Prigent, C., J.M. Warren, and A.H. Kohli, 2019. The effect of fluids on the mechanical and seismic behavior of the ‘ductile’ lithospheric mantle, EGU General Assembly, EGU2019-10920-1.
  • Prigent, C., J.M. Warren, A.H. Kohli, M. Wolfson-Schwehr, and C.P. Teyssier, 2019. Evidence for deep seawater percolation and mantle hydration on oceanic transform faults, EGU General Assembly, EGU2019-10542-2.
  • *Warren, J.M., K.M. Kumamoto, and E.H. Hauri, 2018. Observations of a complex interplay between melt, water, grain size, and viscous anisotropy during shear localization in the lithospheric mantle, AGU Fall Meeting, MR41A-01.
  • Lynn, K.J., E. Cottrell, J.M. Warren, K.A. Kelley, and C.H. Langmuir, 2018. An Oxidized Signature for the Gakkel Ridge “Dupal-like” Isotopic Composition, AGU Fall Meeting, V11D-0058.
  • Patterson, S.N., K.J. Lynn, C. Prigent, and J.M. Warren, 2018. Analysis of Hydrothermal Alteration in Abyssal Peridotites from the Gakkel Ridge, AGU Fall Meeting, T33G-0508.
  • Prigent, C., J.M. Warren, and A.H. Kohli, 2018. The influence of hydrothermal fluid/mantle interaction processes on oceanic transform fault rheology, Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Andover, NH.
  • Wallis, D., L.N. Hansen, K.M. Kumamoto, C. Thom, O. Plumper, D.L. Goldsby, W.B. Durham, D.E.J. Armstrong, R. Goddard, T. Breithaupt, J.M. Warren, D.L. Kohlstedt, A.J. Wilkinson, 2018. Dislocation interactions control the strength of olivine deforming by low-temperature plasticity, Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Andover, NH.
  • *Warren, J.M., S.K. Birner, E. Cottrell, R.F. Katz, K.A. Kelley, F.A. Davis, 2018. Source versus process: Peridotite constraints on magma genesis, Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA.
  • Prigent, C., J.M. Warren, and A.H. Kohli, 2018. Mantle deformation and fluid flow on oceanic transform faults, InterRidge Workshop on Oceanic Transform Faults, Brest, France.
  • Miller, M.S., I. van Zelst, K.B. Kwong, X. Tong, M.O. Eimer, Y. Hu, Y. Boneh, E. Schottenfels, L.N. Moresi, J.M. Warren, and D.A. Wiens, 2018. Linking Intermediate Depth Seismicity to Plate-bending Related Faulting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, SE32-A018, Honolulu, HI.
  • Harvey, J., J.M. Koornneef, J.M. Warren, M. Klaver, G.R. Davies, and R.D. Walshaw, 2018. The first Pb paradox and the composition of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle, EGU General Assembly, EGU2018-10044.
  • van Zelst, I., K.B. Kwong, X. Tong, M.O. Eimer, Y. Hu, Y. Boneh, E. Schottenfels, Z. Zhan, M.S. Miller, L.N. Moresi, J.M. Warren, and D.A. Wiens, 2018. Linking intermediate depth seismicity to plate-bending related faulting, EGU General Assembly, EGU2018-4520.
  • Birner, S.K., F.A. Davis, E. Cottrell, J.M. Warren, and K.A. Kelley, 2017. Subsolidus cooling of mid-ocean ridge peridotites and implications for the oxygen fugacity of the oceanic upper mantle, AGU Fall Meeting, V33D-0554.
  • Hu, Y., M.R. Guild, S. Naif, M.O. Eimer, O. Evans, K. Fornash, T.A. Plank, D.J. Shillington, F. Vervelidou, J.M. Warren, and Douglas Wiens, 2017. A multidisciplinary approach to constrain incoming plate hydration in the Central American Margin, AGU Fall Meeting, T23A-0586.
  • *Kumamoto, K.M., C.A. Thom, D. Wallis, L.N. Hansen, D.E.J. Armstrong, D.L. Goldsby, J.M. Warren, and A.J. Wilkinson, 2017. Size effects in olivine control strength in low-temperature plasticity regime, AGU Fall Meeting, U13B-22.
  • Kumamoto, K.M. and J.M. Warren, 2017. Steady-state LPO is not always reached in high-strain shear zones, AGU Fall Meeting, MR43E-01.
  • Kwong, K.B., I. van Zelst, X. Tong, M.O. Eimer, S. Naif, Y. Hu, Z. Zhan, Y. Boneh, E. Schottenfels, M.S. Miller, L.N. Moresi, J.M. Warren, and D.A. Wiens, 2017. Linking incoming plate faulting and intermediate depth seismicity, AGU Fall Meeting, T23A-0606.
  • Lynn, K.J. and J.M. Warren, 2017. Constraining the timescales of rehydration in nominally anhydrous minerals using 3D numerical diffusion models, AGU Fall Meeting, V33H-03.
  • Prigent, C., J.M. Warren, A.H. Kohli, and C.P. Teyssier, 2017. The semi-brittle to ductile transition in peridotite on oceanic faults: Mechanisms and P-T conditions, AGU Fall Meeting, MR31C-08.
  • Warren, J.M., M.E. D’Errico, M. Godard, M.A. Coble, and M.F. Horan, 2017. Influence of melting and hydrothermal alteration on lead in abyssal peridotites, AGU Fall Meeting, V43D-0563.
  • Harvey, J., J.M. Warren, M. Humayun, and R.D. Walshaw, 2017. The effects of supergene weathering on the mobility of chalcophile and siderophile elements: a case study of peridotite-hosted base metal sulphides from Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico, USA, Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., J.M. Warren, E.H. Hauri, 2017. Water and melt decoupled from deformation in the Josephine Peridotite, SW Oregon, Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France.
  • *Warren, J.M., M.E. D’Errico, and M.A. Coble, 2017. Constraints on mantle Pb, Se, and Te behavior from in situ analyses of peridotite sulfides, Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France.
  • *Warren, J.M. and C.P. Teyssier, 2017. The role of fluids in the brittle-ductile transition at oceanic transform faults, Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics Meeting, Inverness, UK.
  • *Hansen, L.N., C. Qi, J.M. Warren, D.L. Kohlstedt, B. Holtzman, D. Wallis, 2017. The nature of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary from laboratory investigations of olivine anisotropy, EGU General Assembly, EGU2017-15509.
  • Armstrong, D.E.J., K.M. Kumamoto, D. Wallis, S. Roberts, A.J. Wilkinson, J.M. Warren, and L.N. Hansen, 2017. Indentation fracture experiments on single crystal olivine from 300K to 1100K, TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA.
  • Hansen, L.N., K.M. Kumamoto, C.A. Thom, D. Wallis, D.E.J. Armstrong, D. Goldsby, A.J. Wilkinson, and J.M. Warren, 2017. Size effects in olivine: Reconciling 40 years of study into plasticity near the brittle-ductile transition, TSG-VMSG-BGA Joint Assembly, Liverpool, UK.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, J.M. Warren, K.A. Kelley, and F.A. Davis, 2016. Records of upper mantle oxygen fugacity gleaned from high-density sampling of basalts and peridotites at ultraslow ridges, AGU Fall Meeting, T32A-05.
  • Katz, R.F., T. Keller, J.M. Warren, and G. Manley, 2016. Mix or un-mix? Trace element segregation from a heterogeneous mantle, simulated, AGU Fall Meeting, DI14A-02.
  • Kohli, A.H. and J.M. Warren, 2016. Geologic constraints on the depth of seawater infiltration along the Shaka Transform Fault, Southwest Indian Ridge, AGU Fall Meeting, T33C-3044.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., D. Wallis, L.N. Hansen, D.E.J. Armstrong, A. Wilkinson, and J.M. Warren, 2016. Olivine Strength in the Low-Temperature Plasticity Regime Measured Via Spherical Nanoindentation, AGU Fall Meeting, MR32A-05.
  • Teyssier, C.P., M.E. Zimmerman, A.H. Kohli, and J.M. Warren, 2016. Fluid-Rock Interaction in Oceanic Transform Faults: Experimental Approach, AGU Fall Meeting, T33C-3041.
  • Warren, J.M., C.P. Teyssier, M.E. Zimmerman, A.H. Kohli, N.J. Deems, F.M. McCubbin, and P. Blisniuk, 2016. Fluid-Rock Interaction in Oceanic Transform Faults: Field Observations, AGU Fall Meeting, T33C-3040.
  • Birner, S.K., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, and F.A. Davis, 2016. Heterogeneous Oxidation in Supra-Subduction Settings: Evidence from Forearc Peridotites, Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop, Boise, ID.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., J.M. Warren, and E.H. Hauri, 2016. New SIMS reference materials for measuring water in upper mantle minerals, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 48(7), 152-2.
  • D’Errico, M.E., M.A. Coble, and J.M. Warren, 2016. Measuring Pb in Mantle Sulfides Using In-Situ Techniques, 35th International Geological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • D’Errico, M.E., J.M. Warren, and M.A Coble, 2016. In situ trace element measurements of mantle sulfides by SHRIMP-RG, 4th International HSE Geochemistry Workshop, Durham, UK.
  • Birner, S.K., E. Cottrell, J.M. Warren, K.A. Kelley, and F.A. Davis, 2016. Oxygen fugacity of the oceanic upper mantle as recorded by basalts and peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 238.
  • *Warren, J.M., 2016. [Keynote] Reconciling the compositions of ridge basalts and peridotites, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 3375.
  • Autry, E.A.E., K.M. Kumamoto, and J.M. Warren, 2016. Mantle Shear Zone Structure and Microstructure in the Josephine Peridotite, SW Oregon, Symposia of Undergraduate Research and Public Service, Stanford, CA.
  • *Birner, S.K., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, and F.A. Davis, 2015. Heterogeneous Oxidation in Supra-Subduction Settings: Evidence from Forearc Peridotites. AGU Fall Meeting, V11D-3086.
  • Harvey, J., J.M. Warren, M. Humayun, and R.D. Walshaw, 2015. Should I stay or should I go? Siderophile and chalcophile element mobility in mantle-derived sulfides: the effects of weathering. AGU Fall Meeting, V53B-3134.
  • Kaminski, K.M., E. Mittelstaedt, J.M. Warren, M. Kurz, and K.M. Kumamoto, 2015. Using a numerical model to quantitatively assess dynamic recrystallization as a mechanism for He enrichment in mantle shear zones. AGU Fall Meeting, V11B-3071.
  • Teyssier, C., V. Chatzaras, A. von der Handt and J.M. Warren, 2015. Feedback between hydration and deformation in an oceanic paleotransform (New Caledonia) from high temperature mylonitization to serpentinization. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), 291.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., J.M. Warren, E.H. Hauri, and C. Hitzman, 2015. Volatiles in Mantle Minerals on the Stanford NanoSIMS, 5th NanoSIMS International Workshop, Manchester, UK.
  • Warren, J.M., L.N. Hansen, K.M. Kumamoto, and P. Skemer, 2015. Using naturally deformed peridotites to constrain models of shear localization, XIV International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Oleron, France.
  • Birner, S.K., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, and F.A. Davis, 2015. Oxygen Fugacity of Forearc Peridotites from the Tonga Trench: Implications for Mantle Processes During Subduction Initiation, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 307.
  • D’Errico, M.E., J.M. Warren, and M. Coble, 2015. New constraints on sulfides as the main mantle Pb reservoir, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 631.
  • Deems, N.J., J.M. Warren, and F.M. McCubbin, 2015. Origin of amphibole in peridotite mylonite from an oceanic transform fault, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 688.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., J.M. Warren, and E.H. Hauri, 2015. New standards for measuring water in the mantle via SIMS, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 710.
  • *Warren, J.M., 2015. [Keynote] Exploring mantle properties using abyssal peridotites, 2015 COMPRES Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO.
  • Hansen, L.N., C.P. Conrad, J.M. Warren, and D.L. Kohlstedt, 2015. Anisotropic viscosity of olivine aggregates: A laboratory, field, and numerical approach, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, SIT04-06.
  • Hansen, L.N., C.P. Conrad, J.M. Warren, D. Wallis, and D.L. Kohlstedt, 2015. Anisotropic viscosity of olivine aggregates: A laboratory, field, and numerical approach, Micro-DICE Conference, Montpellier, France.
  • Hansen, L.N., C. Qi, K.M. Kumamoto, J.M. Warren, R. Katz, and D.L. Kohlstedt, 2015. Olivine textural evolution constraints the nature of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary, British Geophysical Association New Advances in Geophysics 2015: The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System, London, England.
  • Warren, J.M. and E.H. Hauri, 2014. Constraints on Mantle Water from Peridotite Pyroxenes, AGU Fall Meeting, DI21A-4259.
  • Birner, S.K., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, and F.A. Davis, 2014. Untangling the history of oceanic peridotites using spinel oxybarometry, AGU Fall Meeting, V53B-4863.
  • D’Errico, M.E., J.M. Warren, and M. Godard, 2014. Geochemical heterogeneity in the Arctic mantle at Gakkel Ridge, AGU Fall Meeting, DI13B-4276.
  • Deems, N.J., J.M. Warren, and M. Wolfson-Schwehr, 2014. Alignment of olivine crystals during diffusion creep in oceanic peridotite mylonites, AGU Fall Meeting, T33D-05.
  • *Deems, N.J., J.M. Warren, F.M. McCubbin, and M. Wolfson-Schwehr, 2014. The origin of hydrous minerals in peridotite mylonites from an oceanic transform fault, AGU Fall Meeting, T41B-4626.
  • Hansen, L.N., C.P. Conrad, J.M. Warren, S.I. Natarov, and D.L. Kohlstedt, 2014. Development of Anisotropic Fabric and Associated Anisotropic Viscosity within Lithospheric and Asthenospheric Shear Zones, AGU Fall Meeting, MR23C-4383.
  • *Hansen, L.N., C. Qi, K. Kumamoto, J.M. Warren, R. Katz, and D.L. Kohlstedt, 2014. Constraints on the nature of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: Comparison of observed textural evolution to measured seismic anisotropy, AGU Fall Meeting, DI43B-07.
  • Harvey, J., D. Honn, E.F. Baxter, J.M. Warren, S.J. Hammond, and R.D. Walshaw, 2014. Neodymium isotope variability at the grain scale in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle: NdO+ analyses of individual clinopyroxene grains (<5 ng Nd aliquots) from a Kilbourne Hole harzburgitic xenolith, AGU Fall Meeting, V41A-4780.
  • Kumamoto, K.M., J.M. Warren, and E.H. Hauri, 2014. Low Water Content in the Center of an Upper Mantle Shear Zone, AGU Fall Meeting, MR52A-05.
  • Cottrell, Elizabeth, F. Davis, S. Birner, J.M. Warren and K. Wall, 2014. Oxybarometry of peridotites from various tectonic settings, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 46(6), 414.
  • *Nevitt, J.M., D. Pollard, and J.M. Warren, 2014. Testing Constitutive Equations for Fault-Related Deformation in the Brittle-Ductile Transition, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 46(6), 30.
  • *Warren, J.M., 2014. Initiation and Evolution of Ductile Mantle Shear Zones, Gordon Research Conference on Rock Deformation, Andover, NH.
  • Birner, S.K., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, O.G. Lopez, F.A. Davis, and T. Falloon, 2014. Oxygen Fugacity Variations among Tonga Trench Forearc Peridotites, Goldschmidt Conference, 206.
  • Blusztajn, J., N. Shimizu, J.M. Warren, and H.J.B. Dick, 2014. Small scale Pb isotopic heterogeneity in the oceanic upper mantle observed in sulfides in abyssal peridotites, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 225.
  • Day, J.M.D., R.J. Walker, and J.M. Warren, 2014. Geochemical effects of alteration and refertilization in abyssal peridotites, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 508.
  • Barrett, T., J. Harvey, J.M. Warren, F. Klein, and R. Walshaw, 2013. Alteration of Mantle Sulfides: The Effects of Oxidation and Melt Infiltration in a Kilbourne Hole Harzburgite Xenolith, AGU Fall Meeting, V33A-2723.
  • Birner, S.K., J.M. Warren, E. Cottrell, O.G. Lopez, F.A. Davis, and T. Falloon, 2013. Variations in Oxygen Fugacity among Forearc Peridotites from the Tonga Trench, AGU Fall Meeting, V13I-02. Winner of an AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award and Honorable Mention in the GeoPRISMS Student Presentation Competition. Congrats Suzanne!
  • Deems, N.J., J.M. Warren, and F.M. McCubbin, 2013. Hydration and deformation of peridotite mylonites from an oceanic transform fault, AGU Fall Meeting, T53A-2545.
  • Hansen, L.N. and J.M. Warren, 2013. Quantifying the effect of pyroxene on peridotite deformation in a natural shear zone, AGU Fall Meeting, T43G-08.
  • Honn D., J. Harvey, J.M. Warren, and E.F. Baxter, 2013. Detecting Mantle Heterogeneity at a Grain Scale with Improvements in High Precision Neodymium Isotope (NdO+) Analysis, AGU Fall Meeting, V33A-2722.
  • *Nevitt, J.M., D.D. Pollard, and J.M. Warren, 2013. Influence of lithologic variability on the rheology of granitic rock deformed near the brittle-ductile transition, AGU Fall Meeting, T51G-05.
  • *Skemer, P., J.M. Warren, L.N. Hansen, G. Hirth, and P.B. Kelemen, 2013. Initiating localized deformation in the mantle, AGU Fall Meeting, T44A-03.
  • Sleep N.H. and J.M. Warren, 2013. Effect of Latent Heat of Freezing on Crustal Generation at Ultraslow Spreading Rates, AGU Fall Meeting, OS41E-04.
  • Garber, J.M., S.M. Roeske, J.M. Warren, S.R. Mulcahy, W.C. McClelland, and L.J. Austin, 2013. Strain Localization in the Lower Crust of a Collisional Orogen: Integrated Petrologic, Microstructural, and Thermochronologic Analyses of the Bajo Pequeno Shear Zone, Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 45(7), 239.
  • Kohli, A.H., J.M. Warren, and M. Zimmerman, 2013. Rheological controls on the seismicity and fault zone structure of oceanic transform faults, SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster 022.
  • *Warren, J.M., 2013. Global Abyssal Peridotite Constraints on the Upper Mantle, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5), 2468.
  • D’Errico, M.E., J.M. Warren, and M. Godard, 2013. An in situ Trace Element Study of Peridotites from the Gakkel Ridge, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5), 934.
  • Kurz, M.D., V. Le Roux, J.M. Warren, J. Curtice, and S. Nielsen, 2013. Helium Isotopic and Concentration Variations in a Clinopyroxenite Vein: Implications for Mantle Evolution, Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5), 1527.
  • Hansen, L.N., J.M. Warren, M. Zimmerman, D. Kohlstedt, P.A. Skemer, and G. Hirth, 2013. Anisotropic viscosity and fabric evolution from laboratory experiments and field observations, EGU General Assembly, EGU2013-12628-1.
  • Warren, J.M., P.A. Skemer, G. Hirth, and P.B. Kelemen, 2012. The influence of water on the formation of mantle shear zones, AGU Fall Meeting, MR33C-2465.
  • Skemer, P.A., J.M. Warren, and G. Hirth, 2012. Olivine LPO and the interpretation of seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle, AGU Fall Meeting, MR11A-2458.
  • D’Errico, M.E., J.M. Warren, M. Godard, and B. Ildefonse, 2012. Long-term cycling of mantle Pb: A trace element study of the major mantle mineral phases in abyssal peridotites, AGU Fall Meeting, V53A-2797.
  • Deems, N.J. and J.M. Warren, 2012. Influence of water on the mineralogy and microstructure of mylonites from St. Paul’s Rocks, Equatorial Atlantic, AGU Fall Meeting, V51A-2754.
  • Kohli, A.H. and J.M. Warren, 2012. Rheological feedbacks between hydration, strain localization, and olivine deformation mechanisms in the oceanic lithosphere, AGU Fall Meeting, MR11A-2463.
  • Lopez, O.G., E. Cottrell, and J.M. Warren, 2012. Upper mantle oxygen fugacity in ridge and subduction zone settings recorded by spinel peridotite, AGU Fall Meeting, T51D-2632.
  • Nevitt, J.M., D.D. Pollard, and J.M. Warren, 2012. New constraints on the rheology of granitic rock during faulting at the brittle-ductile transition: field observations, microstructural analysis and mechanical modeling, AGU Fall Meeting, T13E-2662.
  • Craddock, P.R., J.M. Warren, and N. Dauphas, 2012. The chondritic iron isotopic composition of the Earth, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1672.
  • Carter, M., C. Teyssier, M. Zimmerman, and J.M. Warren, 2011, A mechanism for fluid transport within oceanic shear zones: An experimental study on the role and fate of fluid inclusions in olivine aggregates, AGU Fall Meeting, T52B-06.
  • Garber, J., S. Roeske, S.R. Mulcahy, P.R. Renne, J.M. Warren, and L.J. Austin, 2011. Internal Deformation of a Rapidly Exhuming Orogenic Wedge in a Paleozoic Microplate-Continent Collision, NW Argentina, AGU Fall Meeting, T51A-2315.
  • Nevitt, J.M., D.D. Pollard, and J.M. Warren, 2011, Slip transfer across fault discontinuities within granitic rock at the brittle-ductile transition, AGU Fall Meeting, T31C-2358. Winner of an AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award. Congrats Josie!
  • Nevitt, J.M., D.D. Pollard, and J.M. Warren, 2011. Constitutive behavior of granitic rock within a contractional fault step at the brittle-ductile transition, GSA Abstracts with Programs, 43(5), 648.
  • *Warren, J.M. and Shirey, S.B., 2011. Mantle heterogeneity constraints from abyssal peridotite sulfide Pb and Os isotopic compositions, Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), 2133.
  • Day, J.M.D., J.M. Warren, and R.J. Walker, 2011. 186Os-187Os and highly siderophile element abundance systematics of Earth’s upper mantle, Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3), 731.
  • Warren, J.M. and E. Hauri, 2010. Water concentrations in mantle peridotite minerals, AGU Fall Meeting, V23E-03.
  • *Warren, J.M., N. Shimizu, and H.J.B. Dick, 2009. Causes and Consequences of Mantle Heterogeneity From Observations of Abyssal Peridotites, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), V32A-01.
  • Warren, J.M., N. Shimizu, and H.J.B. Dick, 2009. Causes and Consequences of Mantle Heterogeneity From Observations of Abyssal Peridotites, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), V32A-01.
  • Blusztajn, J., N. Shimizu, H.J.B. Dick, and J.M. Warren, 2009. In-situ Pb Isotopic Analysis of Sulfides in Abyssal Peridotites From Ultraslow Spreading Ridges: New Insights into Heterogeneity and Evolution of the Oceanic Upper Mantle, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), V51E-1763.
  • Warren, J.M. and Shirey, S.B., 2008. Probing Upper Mantle Heterogeneity: Os and Pb Isotopic Compositions of Individual Sulfide Grains in Abyssal Peridotites, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), V43B-2162.
  • *Warren, J.M., N. Shimizu, and H.J.B. Dick, 2008. Magma Genesis at Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges, Third COE-21 International Symposium, Misasa, Japan.
  • *Warren, J.M., G. Hirth, and P.B. Kelemen, 2007. Mechanisms of Ductile Shear Localization From Observations of Naturally Deformed Peridotites, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), T43D-02.
  • Kelemen, P., G. Hirth, J. Homburg, J.M. Warren, and M. Spiegelman, 2007. A Periodic Shear-Heating Mechanism for Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in the Mantle, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), DI51A-0283.
  • Shimizu, N., J.M. Warren, F.A. Frey, and E. Takazawa, 2006. The Horoman Peridotite Massif: an Example of Ancient Ultraslow-Spreading Ridge Abyssal Peridotites?, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), V12C-07.
  • Warren, J.M., N. Shimizu, C. Sakaguchi, E. Nakamura, and H.J.B. Dick, 2006. Large local-scale isotopic heterogeneities of the MORB source mantle: A case study on the SWIR, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, A585.
  • Warren, J.M. and G. Hirth, 2005. A Natural Example of Olivine LPO Variation With Shear Strain, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), T13A-0423.
  • Warren, J.M., N. Shimizu, and H.J.B. Dick, 2003. Melt impregnation revealed by clinopyroxene geochemistry in abyssal peridotites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67, A526.
  • Warren, J.M., M. Braun, G. Hirth, and H.J.B. Dick, 2002. Microstructural evidence for grain size sensitive deformation mechanisms in naturally deformed peridotites, Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), MR51A-03.